Patent Reform 2007 - In the News
“Any one of the issues in S. 1145, alone, would be a major change to the U.S. patent system. Currently, arguments by those supporting or opposing S. 1145 seem to be focusing on a few issues related to infringement, calculating damages for infringement, and injunctive relief, which are critically important. But many of the proposed changes in the Patent Reform Act of 2007 are tied-in to the worldwide “first-to-file” system. This first-to-file “package of issues” , along with the infringement issues, will destroy the intrinsic incentives and original intention of the U.S. 200-year old patent system. Why are so few people talking about how detrimental a change to “first-to-file” will be to the independent inventor, our economy and our standard of living?"
--Stephen Paul Gnass
Note: Articles are listed in descending chronological order, with the most recent first.
August 5, 2008 National Journal CongressDaily
Groups Plot Strategy for Patent Overhaul In Next Congress
Legislation aimed at overhauling the patent system has fizzled in the 110th Congress, but industry stakeholders involved in the debate have not stopped strategizing.
May 12, 2008 Intellectual Asset Management Magazine Blog
Bush Administration urges Congress not to give up on patent reform
I have had a couple of comments from US-based readers concerning the blog I posted last Saturday on the demise (or so i thought) of the Patent Reform Act. According to both correspondents, I could be jumping the gun. This is what they had to say...
May 10, 2008 Intellectual Asset Management Magazine Blog
A complete waste of time that has weakened the US patent-owning communities
It has looked dead for a month or so. And now it is. The Patent Reform Act has been officially withdrawn from the schedule of the US Senate and with that decision goes just about any chance it had of being enacted in 2008.
November 7, 2007 The Signal, The College of New Jersey
Patent Reform Act of 2007 only benefits corporations and hurts small inventors
Unfortunately, the American media tends to neglect news without explosions or death. While news of this nature is important, most Americans are clueless as to our government's newest attempt to bow down to globalism: the Patent Reform Act of 2007.
November 1, 2007
The Patent Reform Act: Boon to Chinese Pirates
Reforms that Weaken Patent Protection Would Aid Chinese Pirates
November 1, 2007
Tech Companies Paid Lobbyist $300,000
A group of high-tech companies paid Elmendorf Strategies LLC $300,000 in the first half of 2007 to lobby the federal government in favor of patent reform, according to a recent disclosure form.
October 29, 2007
The Patent Act Is a Cheat on Americans by Phyllis Schlafly
October 25, 2007 Channel Register
Techies oppose US patent reform bill
More than 430 organizations spanning all fifty US states have fired off a letter urging Senate leaders to oppose a bill that would overhaul the country's patent system. And that includes tech outfits like Qualcomm and AmberWave.
October 25, 2007 CNN
Tech Industry Seeks to Boost Patent Bill
Tech Industry Seeks to Firm Support for Patent Reform As Senate Legislative Schedule Fills Up
October 23, 2007 PR
More Than 430 Organizations From All 50 States Speak Out Against Proposed Patent Reform Act
Vast range of American industry asks Senate not to jeopardize U.S innovation with misguided patent system overhaul
October 22, 2007 Internet Business Law Services (IBLS)
Update on the US Patent Reform
Gerry Elman, attorney for Elman Technology Law, P.C. and IBLS Contributor, provides the following update on the United States Patent Reform currently in the US Congress.
October 2, 2007 The Register
Mr WebTV skewers US patent bill
The man who invented WebTV thinks the US patent system is on the verge of ruin.
September 21, 2007
Lobbying kicks off against patent bill
A group of manufacturers, start-ups, entrepreneurs and inventors - including Dean Kamen of Segway fame and Steve Perlman, inventor of WebTV - kicked off a lobbying effort Thursday to stop or change the patent reform bill that passed the House two weeks ago.
September 21, 2007
Tech Startups Oppose Patent Reform
The Patent Reform Act, supported by all the big technology companies, would actually hurt those companies, who depend on startups to funnel innovation to them, said Steve Perlman, inventor of WebTV. "A lot of the companies that are for the bill depend on the startup companies that feed them," Perlman said. "They have market power, we don't."
September 21, 2007 WashingtonPost.Com
Inventors protest patent reform bill
Proposed patent reform legislation would kill the value of patents and allow the theft of U.S. intellectual property, a group of inventors says.
September 20, 2007 Yahoo! Finance
Segway Inventor Raps Patent Reform Bill
Cycle of Innovation Threatened by Patent Bill in Congress, Segway Inventor Tells Capitol Hill
September 20, 2007 CNET
Patent law overhaul: Bad for start-ups?
WASHINGTON--Silicon Valley start-ups and independent technologists will suffer if Congress's proposed overhaul of the U.S. patent system succeeds, the brains behind the Segway and Apple's QuickTime video argued Thursday.
September 7, 2007 CNET
White House opposes tech-backed patent bill
As the U.S. House of Representatives prepares to vote as soon as Friday on sweeping changes to the U.S. patent system, the Bush administration is registering its opposition to the high-tech industry-backed bill.
July 3, 2007 Fortune Small Business
A Hollywood inventor protests the patent bill
George Margolin says a new measure would hurt innovators. An interview by FSB Correspondent with George Margolin.
June 19, 2007 Fortune Small Business
Will Congress slam small inventors?
A massive patent reform would be tough on entrepreneurs.
April 19, 2007 CNET
Congress takes new stab at patent system overhaul
WASHINGTON--Politicians from both parties of the U.S. Congress on Wednesday unveiled a new proposal designed to make the most sweeping changes to the nation's patent system in decades.
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